Monday, November 21, 2011

Is it worth commiting suicide at 15 years old on acne, my dad says it aint bad but i think it is?

i want to know what age it will go, will i grow out of it , i dont want girls to see my spots when i move to america about 19............i just want to know the age it will go away.Is it worth commiting suicide at 15 years old on acne, my dad says it aint bad but i think it is?
Nothing is worth committing suicide at the age of 15, or any age! Teenage years are the worst, but you'll get through it. Hormones are raging causes all kinds of different emotions and teens are trying to figure out ';who they are'; and where they fit it.

I had HORRIBLE acne when I was 15. I tried several over the counter products and products I saw on TV, like proactive and NOTHING worked for me. I saw a dermatologist and got on Retin-A. Then I started receiving shots in my face. It was SO painful! After that I got on Accutane (a prescription drug). It worked wonders on my skin but had horrible side effects. If my mood swings weren't bad enough at 15, this made them twice as bad. People have tried and committed suicide on this medication. It is very powerful.

I'm 21 years old now and my acne is NOTHING like it was when I was 15. I get a pimple every now and then, but it goes away. Believe me, there are SO many things to look forward to and to do when you get a few years older! If I would have took my life when I was 15 I would have missed out on so many things and I would have hurt the people that truly love me, like my parents.

Don't do anything drastic like hurt yourself! Why don't you ask your parents to take you to a dermatologist and see what they suggest. There are all kinds of drugs and products out there for acne and that will help you! Good luck!

***Just a little FYI - the girl below me is wrong about Accutane. Accutane is NOT a high dose of vitamin A. In fact, a person is not suppose to take Vitamin A if they are taking Accutane because it could cause increased side effects. Accutane can cause severe birth defects if a woman becomes pregnant while on the medication- vitamin A does NOT do that.;_鈥?/a>Is it worth commiting suicide at 15 years old on acne, my dad says it aint bad but i think it is?
Instead of worrying about it why not see your doc and get it treated. Acne is caused by the staph bacteria coming to fight off the dirt and oil clogging your pores. Ask your doc about antibiotic therapy if you acne is bad.
Committing suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Always remember that.

Acne at 15 is very normal. There are many different kinds of medication that you can get to help you deal with this. One of my sons took medication and the other did not.

Acne generally goes away by the age of 19 and dont worry about the girls, many of them have the same problem.

Speak to your doctor if you are very concerned, he may send you to a dermatologist for further treatment.

Good Luck
No Honey, acne is certainly not worth killing yourself over but I feel your pain.

Millions of teenagers (and some adults) across the world suffer from it so you are not alone.

Go and see a dermatologist, there is some really great treatments out there. You just might need antibiotics.

Or check out proactiv. Alot of people swear by that.

Good Luck
this all depends on genetics, ask your dad when his acne went away, and check with other (genetically) close relatives to see when theirs went away and then the average of those should be close to the answer.
hey really dnt worry 2 much bout the acne. its not worth havin suicide thoughts over! spots r not worth loosing ur life over! there is plenty of treatment these days! jus make an appointment wid the doc or u can buy tons of products over the till. and if a girl really liked u i dnt think dat the spots would matter i mean ok maybe not evry1 gets acne but even girls get the odd spot! it doesnt stop guys from goin out wid dem! %26amp; DONT COMMIT SUICIDE! :)
Same with u partner. I just want to die now
Nothing in life is worth dying for. Just see a doctor and you'll be fine. :)
commiting suicide at 15!?!? NOW WAY! are you crazy?

they will go away with medicine! You have MUCH more life to live, dont waste it
totally NOT worth it ... my boyfriend had acne when he was younger(really bad) and still has a little bit every now and then... even with a few little spots on his face i still think he is the most beautiful person i have ever met. i adore him, and even though our realtionship is not based soley on looks, i AM in love with him %26amp; his face for that matter ... one day when you move here or even if your still over there, you will find some one who loves you romanticly, reguardless of what your outside apperance may be.

*** also keep in mind that your family loves you and would be absolutely heart broken if they lost you.

%26amp;%26amp; a small bump to most people isnt even noticeable... but to you at may seem like a giant mountain ... it's not ... keep that in mind.
hEY!! we have a similar pr0b except I would NEVER look 2 suicide as a s0lution!!! There are things that u can use 2 get rid of the prob. Suicide should never be a solution for nything! try proactive that has been workin' for me and I think it will for for u as well... PLEASE don't do nything to harm urself!!!
Some people have it for many years my brother has had it his whole life. He was put on Accutane last year and his acne is all gone now. It really works it will take a while but it does work. And no its not worth killing yourself. And in response to the answer abouve mine all Accutane is is a very high dose of vitamin A.

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