Monday, November 21, 2011

My acne is really bad lately..?

Things like proactive and clean n clear stuff dont work for me but my face isnt that bad I just have a few big ones..any home remeties or something?...Toothpaste dosnt work either...My acne is really bad lately..?
Honestly...Water and lots of it. Drink those 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday and in no time really you WILL see flawless skin.My acne is really bad lately..?
it's also bad to wash ur face too much. ur skin dries out and it tries harder to produce more oils which can clog up. i think toner can help (alcohol-free)
Go see the doctor and ask for Benzoyl Peroxide 10%. That's really work for me within 1 month I can see a great result. You can also add Aveeno face wash and to use both morning and night.
Face pack for acne prone skin would be of honey (1 tsp) with 1/2 (tsp) of cinnamon powder. Apply for 15 minutes. Due to the antiseptic properties, bacterial infections in the skin are treated. More home remedies available at
Panoxyl, or something like that, it helped me. ;)
Keep clean and dry. Don't eat or drink anything oily or with caffine. When I was in high school, I used Stridex pads. I put a few in a sandwich bag and used one after each class. Thsi kept the acne to a minimum.
Pimple Or Acne Cure!

Just Follow The Four Steps Below

1. Use no soap of any kind on your face! 2. Do not squeeze the skin on your face, or rub your face with your hands, wash cloth or towel 3. Use no creams, ointments, or medicines on your face, [except antibiotic ointments], they are not needed, but they can be used, and they can be purchased at the grocery store: (if you are someone that shaves); go ahead and apply a thin coat of an antibiotic ointment after you shave, over the area where you have shaved. 4. With water only; cold or cool, gently with your hands once a day, clean your face; [do not use hot water]: pat dry with soft towel. Follow the above instructions to the letter or completely and your acne or pimples should be gone in from one to two months; but for this to happen, (you must follow the above instructions)! Keep the commandments and seek the Lord with all your heart! Believe in the lord jesus christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31

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