Monday, November 21, 2011

Omg is it really bad if you have had acne for about 2 years?

well ok I'm a pre-teen and have acne i had it sine about 5th grade and haven't have a clear day since so like should i see a dermatologist or something or just try some more products well so far I've only tried cetaphil, neatrugena and some cheap 99 cent stuffOmg is it really bad if you have had acne for about 2 years?
Nique Nique,

Oh how frustrating acne can be! Anyone reading or answering your question most likely can attest to the embarrassment, insecurity, and frustration that acne has caused them or is causing them. So many months and years of social outings have gone by, while we chose to sit at home, alone...because of how we felt about our skin.

I wish I would have known what I know now, back then...and hopefully this advice will help you. First of all, I'm one of those people that has tried everything...Accutane, antibiotics, benezoyl peroxide, hydrotherapy, Proactiv, %26amp; anything else that the dermatologist, tv, or other 'acne experts' recommended. A couple products cleared my skin up, but only to return within a few months (plus those medicines weren't healthy). Acne just seemed to be a permanent thing.

Well, then I discovered something that changed my life...after a lot of research and trial and error (more on that later). You need to understand what causes acne (various factors) and how to change those things. Acne is your body's way of telling you there is an imbalance internally.

Here are the general BASICS:

-Avoid sugary (no diet pops either), fatty foods (I found that this is NOT a myth)

-Observe your body's reaction to certain foods to see if you might have a food allergy (mine was milk, cereal %26amp; peanut butter)

-Handle stress better



-Adequate sleep

-Stay positive

-Stay hydrated w/ water

-Stay regular (bowel movement)

-Keep your face clean

-Change pillowcases (white--sometimes colored ones have dyes you may be allergic to)

See if you notice any changes in your face as you make these adjustments. If you would like to learn more, please visit my blog/website...and find out how I ended my acne once and for all!! of the biggest secrets I've learned to reduce redness, eliminate pus, and rejuvenate the skin...

Clear skin happens. ;-)Omg is it really bad if you have had acne for about 2 years?
It is not common, but there are people who have it. Your body works differently than other people. Many people go through that stage of having pimples. Maybe you are under a lot of stress or you don't clean your face properly. This is what I suggest you do: Mix baking soda and witch hazel/or water together until it comes to a good consistancy, and then spread on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. These two things are very inexpensive and it's very easy to do since there is only two ingredients. Toothpaste is good for drying out your pimple (for some people). Put only a little bit before you go to sleep. But this is not recommended to everyone because it can make it worse. Try to buy a cleanser that works for you, and when you wash your face, open your pores with hot water (not too hot, or it will dry out your skin) and massage it gently into your skin. Then, use cold water at the end to close you pores. The smaller your pores are, the less likely you're prone to pimples. Don't use body soaps because they dry out your skin. Don't scrub too hard when you wash your face, because it can irritate your skin. Zinc (type of vitamin) is the one of the best things you can use to get rid of pimples. You can buy these almost about any large store (such as Wal-Mart or Shaws.) Have one or two tablet per day and try to cut down the junk food and replace it with vegetables and fruits. Drink lots of water and don't pop you acne. Popping acne can lead to acne scars. Zinc can be found in many types of fishes. If you have sensitive skin, don't use make up. Some of the things in make up can clog your pores and cause pimples. Keep your hands out of your face as much as you can because you hands are full of bacteria and oils. Keep your hair out of your face because the oils in your hair could go into your pores. Change you sheets because they're are trapped with dirt, oils, etc.
I know they say proactive this, neutrogena that, but that stuff could make it worse, or not even work at all.

The best, and healthiest thing to do is to see a dermatologist, especially if you have had ongoing acne problems.
Personally I saw a dermatologist and it helped soooo much! She got my skin clear and it has stayed clear and I have a prescription cream for spot treatment. It was the best thing I ever did.
you should try the neutrogena wave. after using it, rinse your face off and put some good face lotion on it. the wave comes in pink, green, or blue.
No, it ceratinly isn't bad. In fact, most people get acne at that age. Try getting proactive. You will be shocked.
Keep your face clean. See a Dematologist!!!
try proactive it works rly good

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