Monday, November 21, 2011

My acne is so bad and it just keeps getting worse?

I went to the dermotologist a year ago, hoping to clear up my ance.He put me on tetracycline and benzoyl peroxide and that wasnt working out, so I went back a couple months later,and changed my medicine to minocyline and benzoyl peroxide, then it still wasnt working out so I was put on differin, and that didnt work out so he put me on eritomycin and benzoyl peroide and minocycline,and my face just keeps getting worse and worse, and I ask my mom to take me back but she wont....what can I do? no one understands what im going through..I cant look in the mirrowr anymore, and all I basically do is cry anymore..please please help meMy acne is so bad and it just keeps getting worse?
it may not help it go away but it will help try some avacado and egg and milk mix it and apply it on your face everydday no chemicals so it wont harm your skin dont do it unless your allergic...but this may help calm your skin down...My acne is so bad and it just keeps getting worse?
My secret weapon for acne/acne scars/blemishes is turmeric powder (found in your grocery's spice aisle). Results in just under a week!


- Turmeric powder

- Mix 1 or 2 tablespoon with warm water

- Stir to form a paste

- Apply daily or as needed
What helps me the most is plain Dove soap. It has a very low formula and doesn't irritate skin!
you need a nice and potent boyfriend who can help u with man juice

for your acne not an old wives tale it works
Ask your doctor about Benza Clin. It's freaking annoying to put on, but it helps your skin. It smells, and you have to wait about 10 minutes until it drys to put on lotion but I put up with it because it completely works.鈥?/a>

I don't have the most perfect skin in the world, but i would say it's pretty clear now. Before benza clin, i was embarrassed to talk to my friends. I hate that feeling when you know they are looking at your acne, but they are trying not to make it obvious.

There is also another treatment. I don't know what it is called but it is a pill you eat. Ask your doctor about it.


I don't know if this is a pity question, but I was looking at your other questions (sorry for the stalker-like behavior) about your looks, and your acne is not even that bad.

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