Thursday, July 22, 2010

3 months with really bad/servere acne (Picture included)?;s=33 months with really bad/servere acne (Picture included)?
your face isnt bad at all. mine is worser. i use that acne stress control foam stuff. its like almost $8 a bottle but it helps with mine. you being stressed about it will not help it go away faster. but yeah try the stress control stuff.3 months with really bad/servere acne (Picture included)?
im currently using proactiv and it works wonders :)

bt i also ave this little thingy lol

that i got from trader joes called a blemish stick and its amazing too

if you have scars use merderma or lemon juice for 2 months morning and night. :)

its a long process bt deff worth it
I reccomend when you go to the doctors for a physical ask what you should use. Also if you have bad acne you are obviously not faithfull to washing your face day and night. I reccomend proactive try it. Its only 20 dollars in the mall and it works if your faithfull to it.
I read somewhere recently that putting hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball then gently rubbing it over the acne helps. It is worth a try. This is found in a drug store or grocery store for about $1.00. Good luck with this. Hope it does work.
go to your doctor. also, to prevent more, wash your face twice a day.

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