Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bad Allergic Reaction To Acne Spot Treatment, Please Help!!?

Hello, I have a big problem, I am having an allergic reation to acne spot treatment stuff. It's making my face extreally red, very DRY, flaking, and my face is itchy! I was wondering what I could do to help make it go away, washing my face doesn't help it any. Would vasinline help?,...baby oil? What? Sincere, Thanks in advance!Bad Allergic Reaction To Acne Spot Treatment, Please Help!!?
Eat a lot of nuts first of all, they are really good for your skin.

And I know its going to be tough, but try not to worry about it, because stress makes it worse. And your best bet would be to go to the doctor to get medicine, from now on ask him/her what products you should use.Bad Allergic Reaction To Acne Spot Treatment, Please Help!!?
i know it might sound weird. but drink water. stop drinking sodas and juices for 2 weeks

my aunt did this and her skin became clearer and smoother and it glowed :p

this wont make your acne go away. but it will definately help while you also use doctor prescribed medicines

good luck
Yes, moisturizing will help. But don't use vaseline or baby oil. Use one that is recommended for sensitive skin (no dyes or perfumes) and also one that is ';non-comedogenic';. This means it won't clog your pores.

Hang in there.

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