Friday, August 20, 2010

Can masterbating a few times a week cause acne or make it worse?

Can I get any proof if it does or doesnt!Can masterbating a few times a week cause acne or make it worse?
Just sit and think about it for a few minutes - how is materbating different to sex? How would your body know the difference?

There is no difference to your body!

As one of the biological imperatives is to continue the species - then sex is good!

So why would sex or masterbating cause acne? What biological mechanisem would bring about acne from masterbating or sex?

The worst thing you can get from an excess of masturbation is a sore wrist!

These myths are propogated by repressed people who just want to spread thier own unhappiness.

Find a nice girl/boy friend and until then enjoy yourself!

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